
Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Her After You Hit?

What stops a woman from having sex with a man? Fear. She is afraid that you will do her dirty after you get the coochie. I said it before, it doesn't matter when a woman gives it up, if a guy digs her he digs her, if he doesn’t-- pussy will only expose his true nature. Today I want to talk to the fellas who invade Iraq and don’t know how to leave without destroying half the cities. I want to talk about exit strategy. You met the chick, you gained her trust, and you exposed her coochie’s defense like you were Peyton Manning in the pocket. You won the battle without making her your girlfriend, you hit with no strings attached-- pat yourself on the back. But now that you are done with this girl how do you get rid of her? There are a ton of reasons why men grow tired of women, but let’s touch on some of the common ones and then talk about that post sex exit strategy. 

The Coochie Was Wet Her Personality Was Dry: Just because he wants to have sex with you doesn’t mean he likes you. Hitting a girl from every angle possible, grunting that her pussy is bomb, and then collapsing on top of her after a nut means NOTHING. I could not stand the majority of the girls I slept with, but they turned me on physically so I was willing to put up with whatever personality trait that bothered me. Men are pros at putting up with pre-pussy nonsense because it’s a part of the game. Not every attractive girl is going to be smart or intriguing; a lot of them will be downright annoying. How does an asshole deal with a girl he doesn't really like but wants to smash? Pretend to like her for as long as it takes-- no matter if it's a few days or if he has to play the part as the "back-up dick platonic friend" for years—once an asshole reaches that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow he will take off that disguise and say “Got ya bitch” He never really liked you, it was what Grifters call The Long Con. Chicks assume that because he tried so hard to smash that he must have feelings for her. Never assume.

She’s Getting Too Serious: Why did she have to fuck everything up by wanting to talk about feelings? What part of “you wanna come over” screams let’s go on a dinner date? How dare you lure me in with your body then expect me to want you mentally? Yes you can convert casual sex into a real relationship, but its advanced algebra not simple multiplication. There are many steps that must be taken to get your physical relationship to the next level, and quite frankly it’s asking a lot from a man once he’s become accustomed to hitting that ass recreationally. I really liked this girl I use to have sex with, she was one of my coolest non girlfriends, but I didn’t want to be in a real relationship with her, I just wanted to do her. She would stop talking to me every few months then we would hook up again. This went on for nearly a year. Threatening to cut me off didn’t change a thing, not calling me for weeks or screaming that I’m a bitch did not make me change my ways and give her a promise ring! I was prepared  to walk away from her at a drop of a hat because it wasn't that serious. I loved her as a friend, honestly I did, but it was a selfish love similar to the kind a little kid has for his neighbors who lets him play their PlayStation 3. If what you two have is not serious; you can’t flip a switch and expect him to go from lust to love, it takes time, a lot of time.

You’re Not Really My Type Sober: Some men get caught up with that Ugly Girl Swag and don’t know how to get away. Her looks have nothing to do with how good she is in bed, if she happens to know how to lay it down; perfect… but that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t take her ugly ass to six flags. A man may love the sex, but if he doesn’t like the looks of the girl he's getting it from—it’s a wrap. Yeah you can make homie cum quick, but unless you’re willing to travel at night under a dark sheet, expect for him to suddenly lose his phone, move out of state, or work double shifts 7 days a week. He's not going to tell you you're busted.

My Girl’s Not Going To Like This: This is how easy it is.
Her: You have a girl?
Me: No.
It’s that simple. Don’t be shocked after we have sex for two weeks straight, I fall off the face of the earth, and then you find out I was boo’d up all along.  “But he told me he didn’t have a girl” Really? He lied? I can’t believe anyone would lie to get what they want! We must warn people about this new invention called lying. If you’re fucking him, assume he has a girlfriend especially if he’s winning. Good looks, nice car, own place, no kids (around). Do you think you found a catch? No! Either this nigga is a psycho or his girl is out of town. He’s not going to call you up and tell you this blossoming relationship has to end because he has someone, he’s going to delete your number and every time you call he will tell his chick you’re a telemarketer. Next time his wifey is on a girls night out he will magically pop back into your life, “Hey, I just got back from a business trip in Paris, what are you doing tonight?”

FEAR: He’s not looking for a wifey he’s looking for pussy. You’re perfect, you’re amazing, but being afraid of commitment isn’t a myth, it’s real. The #1 lie is "I'm Not Ready" but it's also the #1 legitimate reason. I've seen girls break down because they gave in to a guy they really liked only to find out he was indecisive when it came to entering a relationship. The man wasn't ready, he was ready for sex, but he wasn't ready for the stress of being committed, you can't be mad at that. A faux fancy bitch would argue that she doesn’t have sex with a guy unless she knows him inside in out but you never know someone inside in out. Spreading your legs is a gamble regardless of how much you think you know about that man. You can’t be a prude and argue that “I won’t have sex at all because men are deceitful” that’s a small minded answer to a complicated problem. We all like sex and we all want someone we can love, you don’t blame the pants for not fitting when you brought those things without trying them on, yeah the tag said they were the right size but how were you to know for sure UNLESS you tried them on? Sex is the ultimate litmus test, but this is the 21st century we live fast and sometimes relationships develop way too quick for our liking. It's not about a man being immature, it's about the fear of flying, most niggas need to go through years of Smallville before they are ready to put on that red cape.

Exit The Right Way: The relationship with the girl you’re with is influenced by the man who was with her before you. If he left her with trust issues it's not her problem, it's yours! Regardless if you're in it for the sex or in it because you want her to be your girl, you have to mend what he damaged. Isn't it time to stop this cycle of bullshit? We have enough women with complexes resulting from being abandoned after a dick down, we don't need more. Do Not Go Missing! Stopping the texts and calls isn't the same as telling her goodbye. She’s waiting for you to get back to her. Even if it’s been three weeks, she hasn't forgotten about you, she’s going out of her mind wondering what the fuck is up with you because the last time she saw you it was all hugs and kisses.  Do Not Play The Friend Card! “Can we still be cool” translates to “I don’t want you to blow up my phone, but I want to call you when I'm horny”. If you want to break away, make a clean break—you have enough friends. Do Not Lie! Niggas love to create vivid ass Tolkien stories when they don’t want to deal with a bitch. This fool will tell you he was lost in a rain forest on Pandora and got stuck in his Avatar, that’s why he hasn't called. Girls will believe that because they don’t want to admit to themselves that maybe they weren't good enough. How Do You Get Rid Of Her After You Hit?: Hurt her feelings! Honesty will make you look like a douche bag, but it's the only way! Tell her she isn't what you were looking for in a girlfriend. It was fun, but deuces. That’s better than dangling her along for weeks or months.

On the real, men aren’t going to do that. The game has been established, and it’s much easier to lie or ignore a girl than to admit the real reason you don't want to talk anymore. So it’s up to women to read between the lines and stop asking “why doesn’t he like me anymore?” Who cares, it was good a week ago, but now it's not. He's never going to tell you the real reason, make peace with that! If he’s given you excuses, not calling, or referring to you as “buddy” then He Doesn’t Fuck With You Like That. You had sex, you didn’t survive 9-11 together, you two don’t have a real fucking bond. Dick inside Pussy doesn’t necessarily bring people closer. Magic and Fireworks are for the movies. You two fucked—no matter how good you thought it was it didn’t make Doves fly, get over it. So now he wants to avoid you and your kitty, don’t boo hoo over spilled seamen! Pick your head up, brush your shoulders off, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You were in a Basic relationship with a Basic nigga, now it’s time to decide if you want to continue living life like a Basic bitch or if you want to Woman Up and start dictating the terms of your relationships instead of waiting for a man to tell you how he really feels.