
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Have Sex Or Dump Him in 40 Days or Less

Steve Harvey’s 90 day sex rule is the dumbest concept since prepaid legal. While this screening process may look good on paper, in reality it’s a prolonged, outdated, and potentially torturous way of telling you shit you should have figured out three weeks in. Waiting 90 days to have sex does not mean the man is worthy, good, or won’t hurt your feelings. It means the nigga is patient.  Even the most noble of men are hard pressed to wait that long. Remember this is the ADD generation, both men and women move fast when it comes to having sex. Given the fact that sex is so easy a guy who’s seen as a catch, i.e., attractive, paid, or talks like he has sense is less likely to wait 90 days because he has a shit load of options who are on a much accelerated schedule than these Steve Harvey broads. "If he didn't wait he wasn't worth it", is not a proper way to separate the good from the bad.  Getting cock teased by a girl you’re in lust with is a problem that masturbation can’t solve. Decent guys who don't want to be foul and fuck their ex-girlfriends while they wait for you to give it up would rather end it then continue to frustrate themselves while you pretend to be a born again virgin. But that’s the male problem and most women don't give a fuck about a guy pouting because he can't get his dick wet or what other girl he runs up in while waiting. The female problem is bigger than being horny, it’s the realization that she invested three months going down a dead end street with this man and has nothing to show for it. That hurts worse than blue balls.

 Why wait 90 days to give the pussy to someone who's going to do you wrong on day 97? In pro wrestling they call it a "Swerve", a good guy wrestler teams up with another good guy wrestler to fight the bad guys. For several weeks it builds up, then at the Pay-Per-View the good guy wrestler swerves his buddy and reveals himself as a bad guy who merely played the part to get a win. The good guy wrestler never saw it coming, feels stupid, and swears revenge on the bastard that played him... end Pay-Per-View. When it comes to sex men swerve chicks purposely and sometimes without even knowing it. We want sex and will put up with all kinds of things to get it. For three months a man will lie, trick, and kiss all kinds of ass to insure that he makes it to that Pay-Per-View match. Day 90 is sex day and once we get it, we may not feel the same about her. I’ve been in lust with several girls who I really really liked, then after sex my feelings changed. I didn’t purposely fake liking the girls; the feelings were true at the time. But here’s the thing about having a fully loaded dick, it can blind you. 

Damn Tiff is so cool, I’ve never met a chick like her before …fast-forward two days after you renovated her pussy… Damn Tiff talks way too much, she chews with her mouth open, and when the fuck did her feet get so ugly? Things we never cared to notice before now bother us because we’re no longer full of cum, we’ve fucked and now we’re free to be honest with ourselves. We subconsciously swerved Tiff and there is nothing we can do to make those feelings come back or cushion the blow that this isn't going last. What do you say? “I’m sorry, I was feeling you for the past few months, but now that I hit a few times, you annoy me, woooo” then follow it up with the Ric Flair strut? Hell no. Most of the time we have to fake it for another month in order not to hurt her feelings right away, but in pretending that we're still into her we end up hurting her even more. It’s a fucked up situation to be in for a man, and I don’t think most females truly understand that sometimes we’re not just after sex, but feelings really do change after sex. You can't predict it, you just have to fuck and find out.

I wrote a about how it doesn’t matter when you have sex, but I want to revisit and give that idea more structure. I call it:  
Take the Dick or Dump Him in 40 Days Or Less.

This is the age of g-chat finger me, text message blow me, Skype me when you’re cumming. We’re a nation of freaks. If you’re not a freak, pat yourself on the back and stop reading right now because this one doesn’t apply to you. Miss Vice Grip Coochie is not giving it up in 30, 90, or 180 days, no matter what kind of man she comes across. But for those girls who are still reading I assume that you're DTF but don't have anyone TF. Don’t feel bad; it’s natural to want to feed your coochie like it’s the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. You are a sexual person, but you don’t want to be giving it up to every nigga you date. You would love to act as nasty as you talk but you can’t seem to find a good monogamous man to give you a steady diet of dick and dome. What’s a lady to do? Please don't go fucking for sport just to relieve tension, that’s hoe shit man *Hova Voice* and please refrain from letting your coochie collect cobwebs because you want to conduct some outdated “good man test”. Instead you should accelerate your boyfriend search by giving yourself 40 days and 40 days only to evaluate a guy you like before you decide to fuck him or dump him. In 40 days you should be able to tell if he’s full of shit or down for you. At the end of 40 days, either have sex or move on—it’s that simple. Face it you probably wanted to fuck him on day 7, so give into your urges 33 days later knowing that you made him put in work and earn it. If he swerves you or if his dick game is softer than frozen yogurt, oh well, at least you didn’t waste an additional two months on the loser.  

Week One: The 40 days begin when you go on your first date, it doesn’t matter if you’ve known the nigga for six months and just got up the nerve to ask him out. The first day is the first date because that’s the day he’ll really start putting in work and showing you how he feels about you. Feel him out like you would normally; don’t rush things. You’re not trying to condense that 90 day bullshit into 40; you’re living life as normal.

Week Two:  This is all about chemistry and compatibility. After two weeks of talking and seeing each other a few times you’re going to make a decision to either give him a third date or be done. If you don’t have chemistry with this guy, abort mission and decline his next invite out, you don't have time to waste trying to see if he can turn it around.

Week Three: If he’s made it to the third week, then he’s doing something right. Technically this is where dudes go the hardest. I’ve taken you out a few times, now I’m done letting you eat up my money, I’m going to try to smash. I call Week Three: The Hoe Buster. Weed out the thirsty niggas and stay strong when he tries every trick in the book to fuck. Is he still down to hang out and talk? Or does he want to get you back to his place so he can feel you up and bag to taste it just once *inserts @DymeLatte side eye (.) (_ ) (.)/

Week Four: Just because he made it pass Hoe Buster week doesn’t mean the tests are over. It's time to get serious and see where his head is at. You’re talking daily and at the stage where you’re ready to tell the world “that’s my boo”. So speak up and make your intentions known. Girls wait way too long to start talking about a relationship because they’re afraid it will scare a guy off— if talking about committing scares the nigga then that’s a good thing! The point of dating is to find a guy who wants to be with you, not pussy foot around a guy who’s one “so what are we” away from breaking the bedroom window and making a run for it. Spartan up and ask where it’s going, you’ve been dating for a month, let’s have some real talk and put the feelings on the table. Are you two just friends seeing where it goes, has he already dropped the title on you, or are you two dating non-exclusively while seeing what else is out there??? Keep it real with him. He may not tell you the truth, but you should be able to read between the lines and tell at this point if he’s worth the final test.

Final Week DUMP:  At this point you have to know what you two are. If you aren’t sure then you clearly said fuck what I wrote about Week 4. Yeah you like him he could be someone you can be with for a long time, but if he’s not looking for what you’re looking for then chuck the deuce! A woman should always follow her gut instinct… well unless she has a history of making dumb ass decisions, then do the opposite of what your gut tells you. To continue on dating him will only make you fall deeper and deeper in like with him. Five weeks in is the perfect make or break point because you’re not in love yet. No matter how strong your feelings are it’s not full blown love, it's a “deep like” that you can walk away from with minimal damage. When you try and distance yourself from him he won’t leave easily, he’ll ask what went wrong and try and make it up to you. Good! Tell him the reason’s you’re unsure about him. To swagger Jack Samuel L Jackson, “Communicate motherfucker”!  Tell this guy that you don’t like how he’s slow to call you back when he’s out with his boys or how he’s too aggressive in trying to hit when you’re spending time alone. Express your concerns and then fall back for a week or two. If he’s willing to wait it out and still wants a chance, then give him bonus time. Another week or two to see if he has changed those things you were unsure of or if he’s all talk.

Final Week FUCK:  He’s passed all of your tests, he seems nice enough, you still don’t trust him, but you like him a lot. Fuck him—literally. You’re never going to know for sure if he’s right for you until you bond through sex. You’re reading this blog way past the point where I told all virgins and stingy walls to stop reading, so clearly you like to fuck—then fuck. *Inserts @Dymelatte ¯\_()_/¯ shrug.

Now That You’ve Fucked Him: The real relationship can begin. You’ve gotten past sex, and now you can get to know each other on a much deeper level. Is he still into you the same way he was in week four, or is he starting to act differently? Does he just want to have sex all the time or does he still want to take you places? If you were smart about this and used your intuition you should have a guy that’s not going to rip off his Hulkamania shirt and reveal NWO colors yelling, “Got You, bitch!”. 

Remember this 40 Day Dick or Dump doesn’t mean that you’ve found your soul mate; it means you’re off to a good start. You’re still getting to know each other, so don’t exhale, enjoy the ride and see where it takes you. You’re kicking it with a good guy, you’re having sex on a regular basis, and you did it all in half the time. Let the dinosaurs follow that Steve Harvey shit, you’re too young and too horny to be holding your clit hostage for that long.